Aquario Neo Media Hard 1l Premium

SKU: 071722

The NeoMedia PREMIUM series is one of the highest quality filter materials on the market. The HARD version of NeoMedia is alkaline, so it prevents the pH of our aquarium from dropping and can even slightly increase it. Therefore, it is ideal for African cichlid aquariums. In the PREMIUM line, various resource sizes have been created that will serve as a space for housing different types of bacteria that will keep the biological filtration cycle of the aquarium constant.  ...More

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Contains internal surface (Porous) up to 3,200 m2 / L
NOTE: Inside the NEO Media HARD PREMIUM package you will find a small bag with black spheres. It is a latent bacterial contribution that will be activated after contact with water and will help reduce the expiration time of the nitration cycle. It is important NOT to wash the contents of the bag and place it in your filter between the Neo Media material.


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