Triton CO3 - 1000ml

SKU: 073156

Increase the alkalinity of your reefs without changing calcium and magnesium levels!
Triton CO3 is a concentrated alkalinity solution designed to increase the alkalinity level of your aquarium without increasing the demand for Triton Base Elementz. Some reef tanks may need an alkalinity boost because their calcium and magnesium levels are already too high, but the alkalinity level is still below 8dKH. We highly recommend keeping a bottle of Triton CO3 on hand for periodic alkalinity boosts.  ...More

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Directions: 100mL will raise 25 gal of water by 3dKH.
Shake well before use. Measure the desired amount of Triton CO3 and slowly add the solution to a high flow area of your aquarium. Adding the solution too quickly may cause the solution to precipitate. It is also very important to monitor the pH of the aquarium when CO3 is added.
We do not recommend increasing your alkalinity more than 1.4 dKH per day.


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